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Installing Fennosys root CA to Firefox

Ensure that you have opened this page with Firefox browser.

(This notification is here for the people with several Internet browser installed to their system)

Click the link above. This will open “trust a new CA” dialog which looks something like this:

You have been asked to trust a new Certificate Authority (CA).

Do you want to trust "Mozilla Root CA" for the following purposes?

[*] Trust this CA to identify web sites.
[ ] Trust this CA to identify email users.
[ ] Trust this CA to identify software developers.

Before trusting this CA for any purpose, you should examine its certificate
and its policy and procedures (if available).

[VIEW] Examine CA certificate

SHA256 Fingerprint:

  1. Click “View” to and check that the fingerprint matches the value given above (SHA256 Fingerprint)
  2. Close the Certificate Viewer and check at the first box ('Trust this CA to identify web sites.')
  3. Press 'OK'. The root CA has now been imported into your Firefox profile!
en/support/fennosys_root_ca/firefox.1534651824.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/19 04:10 by superadmin